Stille grender
The Norwegian Girls Choir and pianist Tord Gustavsen combine their talents in a programme of popular and cherished Christmas carols, leading the audience from quiet melancholy to expressive improvisations and sparkling, ecstatic moments. Anne Karin Sundal-Ask directs the performances with attention to each individual singer and to the distinctive sound of the choir as a whole. Through their warm musical presence, Gustavsen and these radiant young voices appeal to our very hearts.
Recording sessions: Facebook Photo Album
Alfred and Nora — a short story by Tania Kjeldset written to the music
Immersive Audio is a sonic sculpture that you can literally move around and relate to spatially; surrounded by music you can move about in the aural space and choose angles, vantage points and positions. Dolby Atmos and the Auro-3D on this Pure Audio Blu-ray delivers a new standard in immersion, fully enveloping the audience in a cocoon of life-like audio. Recorded in discrete 7.1.4 at DXD resolution.
På dette albumet samles Det Norske Jentekor og pianist Tord Gustavsen om folkelige og kjære julesanger. I tett samspill føres lytteren fra stille melankoli via ekspressive improvisasjoner til funklende, ekstatiske øyeblikk. Det hele blir ledet av Anne Karin Sundal-Ask, en dirigent med stor omtanke for hver enkelt sanger og for korets egenart. Resultatet er blitt et følelsesladet møte. Gustavsen og de unge stemmene snakker til hjertene gjennom sin varme musikalske tilstedeværelse.
Alfred og Tora — en novelle av Tania Kjeldset skrevet til musikken