Album title

The Beauty That Still Remains


Det Norske Jentekor
Anne Karin Sundal-Ask, conductor 
Frode Haltli, accordion 
Marianne Beate Kielland, mezzo-soprano
Nora Aleksandra Lindeman Katla, soprano
Schola Sanctae Sunnivae, gregorian chant
Anne Kleivset, gregorian choir master

Catalogue #

Disc 1
Hybrid SACD
Stereo DSD
Disc 2

Pure Audio Blu-ray
2.0 LPCM 192/24
5.0 DTS HDMA 192/24
7.0.4 Auro-3D 96kHz
7.0.4 Dolby Atmos 48kHz
mShuttle: MQA + FLAC + MP3
Region: ABC - worldwide

Release date
January 2020
Recording date

April 2018 and March 2019

Uranienborg Church, Norway
Original source
DXD (352.8kHz/24bit)

The Beauty That Still Remains

"I had an occasional flash of understanding, but then got selfishly wrapped up again in my own problems and pleasures," is a quote from Anne Frank's diary, the book on which The Beauty That Still Remains is based. These are thoughts we must all take heed of, confronting injustice that does not strike directly at ourselves. This recording represents a deep musical engagement with such universal values as empathy and faith in the good that is in every person. Asylos deals with the contradictions of inclusion and exclusion, and points up the connection between the pilgrims of the past and the asylum seekers of our time. The Norwegian Girls Choir addresses the theme of the inviolability of human dignity. The music by Marcus Paus and Maja S.K. Ratkje frames, in contrasting ways, the power that humanity and hope carry with them even amid the most intense horror, and through testimonies of the past these works tell us how relevant these topics still are.

Marcus Paus The Beauty That Still Remains (2015) text by Anne Frank
— Prologue: Dearest Kitty
— The World Transformed I
— Cadenza I
— Empty Days
— Cadenza II
— Prescription for Gunfire Jitters
— A Portrait of Anne
— Intimations of Love
— Cadenza III
— The World Transformed II
— Epilogue: The Beauty That Still Remains
Det Norske Jentekor & Anne Karin Sundal-Ask (conductor)
Frode Haltli (accordion), Nora Aleksandra Lindeman Katla (soprano)

Maja S.K. Ratkje Asylos (2013) text by Aasne Linnestå and Simone Weil
— Et hvert menneske
— Menneskesøyle
— Ly — Kjærligheten er sjelens blikk
— Ista est speciosa
— Stolleken
— Bønn
— Den vanskelige forståelsen
— Sover bjørnen?
— Ring — Aureola
— Like fra den tidlige barndom
Det Norske Jentekor & Anne Karin Sundal-Ask (conductor)
Marianne Beate Kielland (mezzo-soprano)
Nora Aleksandra Lindeman Katla, Amalie Eikenes Randen, Selma Aurelia Holth (sopranos)
Schola Sanctae Sunnivae & Anne Kleivset (gregorian choir master)

Immersive Audio is a sonic sculpture that you can literally move around and relate to spatially; surrounded by music you can move about in the aural space and choose angles, vantage points and positions. Dolby Atmos and the Auro-3D on this Pure Audio Blu-ray delivers a new standard in immersion, fully enveloping the audience in a cocoon of life-like audio. Recorded in discrete 7.0.4 at DXD resolution.

«Jeg fikk et flyktig glimt av forståelse, men så ble jeg på egoistisk vis igjen fanget opp av mine egne problemer og gleder», sier Anne Frank i sin dagbok, som danner grunnlaget for The Beauty That Still Remains. Dette er tanker vi alle konfronteres med, i møte med urett som ikke angår oss selv, og denne innspillingen aktiverer et gripende musikalsk introspekt i universelle verdier som empati og troen på det gode i mennesket. Asylos tar for seg tilhørighet og utenforskap og antyder likheten mellom fortidens pilegrimer og nåtidens flyktninger. Det Norske Jentekor setter med denne innspillingen det ukrenkelige menneskeverdet i sentrum. Musikken av Marcus Paus og Maja S.K. Ratkje omfavner på kontrasterende vis den kraften humanismen og håpet bærer selv midt i det groteske, og formidler gjennom fortidens testamenter hvor aktuell denne tematikken fortsatt er idag.

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Artwork Ingun Myrstad / Front Cover Photo Erik Børset / Session photos Morten Lindberg / Artist photo / Stage Layout Morten Lindberg