News from 2L
March 2011
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CRYSTALLINE - piano music by Karen Tanaka

iTunesA GLITTERING WORLD OF SOUND - Karen Tanaka is one of the leading Japanese composers of her generation. The purity of sound, the sensuality and intensity in her music has gained her a large audience, and the release of this recording will make much of Tanaka's piano composition available on one album. Pianist Signe Bakke gives us an interesting overview of the complexity and yet the integrity of Tanaka's music as it has evolved through the twenty years of her career that this disc covers: Crystalline, Water Dance, Northern Lights, Lavender Field, Techno Etudes, Children of Light (Excerpts) and Crystalline II.

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MUSICONLINE FLAC stereo and surround artwork

Stereo + 5.1 surround Hybrid SACDeBook
Produced in DXD (24bit/352.8kHz) by Lindberg Lyd, Norway

Release Europe and Asia: March 2011 (EAN 7041888515524)
Release USA and Canada: April 2011 (UPC 845829000745)



iTunesFor 25 years the Oslo Chamber Choir has delved into the soloist tradition of Norwegian folk song, thus creating a very specific expression as a choir. When classical music by Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and Bruckner are combined with religious folk tunes the result is a novel contemporary expression, where two very different melodies, singing techniques and texts are juxtaposed. The STRUGGLE that arises reveal new dimentions of music. This surround sound recording retains the intimacy of the performance and the enveloping atmosphere that arises when the choir surrounds its audience, each member of the choir singing the old religious tunes directly to each member of the audience. The purpose of combining the intimacy of religious folk music with the complexities of larger religious classical choral pieces is to highlight the universality of the hymns, and the simple sincerity of classical music, finding the common ground between two musical cultures.

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MUSICONLINE FLAC stereo and surround artwork

Stereo + 5.0 surround Hybrid SACDeBook
Produced in DXD (24bit/352.8kHz) by Lindberg Lyd, Norway

Release Europe and Asia: March 2011 (EAN 7041888515425)
Release USA and Canada: April 2011 (UPC 845829000738)


PSALLAT ECCLESIA – Medieval Norwegian sequences performed by Schola Solensis

iTunesWhat we call Gregorian chant is old music. By the 13th century most of it was already composed. It is the church's oldest musical treasure, and is the word of God spoken, and prayers prayed, in a language where the word is lifted and born on wings of exquisite beauty. It is not just a language of words, but a meeting of words and melody in an expression of extraordinary power. Gregorian chant developed over a long period of oral transmission from generation to generation. If there is an evolutionary theory for artistic expression, a sort of "survival of the fittest", it can certainly be used about Gregorian chant. Many of these melodies are so unbelievably beautiful; it is as if we sense divine participation in their creation. There is an air of mysticism in this music, which more and more people are seeking as a setting for meditation and prayer.

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MUSICONLINE FLAC stereo and surround artwork

Stereo + 5.0 surround Hybrid SACDeBook
Produced in DXD (24bit/352.8kHz) by Lindberg Lyd, Norway

Release Europe and Asia: March 2011 (EAN 7041888515128)
Release USA and Canada: April 2011 (UPC 845829000707)


Follow 2Lindberg on TwitterOur FLAC and DXD Test Bench is updated with fresh tracks:

2L high resolution audio files (96kHz/24bit and 192kHz/24bit) distributed by:
HDtracks - iTrax - eONKYO - GubeMusic - HiResAudio - KlickTrack

OLE BULL Violin Concertos

OLE BULL Violin Concertos
Annar Follesø / Norwegian Radio Orchestra / Ole Kristian Ruud

Definition: "2L once again dive into their Norwegian heritage to deliver the world a dazzling disc full of marvelously recorded and beautiful music. If you are unfamiliar with the musical landscape of Ole Bull, then the superb play of the Norwegian Radio Orchestra under Ole Krisitan Ruud with Annar Follesø’s violin will be a perfect guide. This is a highly recommended recording."

BBC Music Magazine: "Annar Follesø does a sterling job of bringing these works vibrantly to life, with barely a blemish in his beautiful bel canto tone despite the numerous leaps into the stratosphere. The Norwegian Radio Orchestra gives excellent support under Ole Kristian Ruud."iTunes

AWARDS: Record of the Year by The Grieg Society of Great Britain.

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MUSICONLINE FLAC stereo and surround artwork

POLYPHONIC DIALOGUES Shostakovich / Shchedrin

iTunesSTEREOPHILE: "Joachim Kwetzinsky is a young (b. 1978) Norwegian pianist for whom technical difficulties appear not to exist, and who, more important, has a keen musical intelligence. I find the programming of this recording particularly admirable. As we have become accustomed to hearing from—or being spoiled by—2L, the sound is excellent from both the CD and SACD layers. The piano is a Steinway, and the recording venue was the Sofienberg Church. Highly recommended, especially if you're a bit weary of SACDs that are historical reissues or new recordings of warhorse repertory, and are looking for adventurous but musically solid performances recorded in native high resolution. SACD fans, it's time to vote with your wallets. Again."

Buy disc-set or MP3 Buy real HD audio files Media Service
MUSICONLINE FLAC stereo and surround artwork

The Trondheim Soloists / Larsen / Amper

Winner of the Norwegian GRAMMY-awards: Best Classical Album 2010

BBC Music Magazine: "As with their stunning Divertimento disc, the Trondheim Soloists possess great energy and a full-blooded sound, though there is no lack of poetry or beauty. Unless you have a pathological aversion to modern folk music, then this is infectious."

Buy disc-set or MP3 Buy real HD audio files Media Service
MUSICONLINE FLAC stereo and surround artwork
2L produced by Lindberg Lyd AS | Box 56 Bogerud | NO-0621 OSLO | NORWAY | +47 4815 2222 | music@2L.no