News from 2L
May 2009
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Emily & Catherine Beynon

Only the full symphony orchestra can impose the true emotional dynamics of the arctic nature. FLUTE MYSTERY is a collection of five orchestral works by Norwegian composer Fred Jonny Berg. In this distinctive and dynamic surround sound recording, the Philharmonia Orchestra with Emily & Catherine Beynon as soloists on flute & harp are conducted by the legendary Vladimir Ashkenazy.

- Flute Mystery
- Warning Zero
- Pastorale
- Vicino alla Montagna
- Flute Concerto No.1

Buy disc-set or MP3 Buy real HD audio files Media Service
MUSICONLINE FLAC 24 BIT / 96 kHz artwork

Hybrid SACD + music Blu-ray
two-disc-box at the price of one ordinary Blu-ray.
The Hybrid SACD plays on all standard CD-players and computers.

Vladimir Ashkenazy: Vladimir AshkenazyI am very fond of Scandinavian mentality, the way people express themselves and their spiritual world. It has always been a very special treat for me to conduct and play Scandinavian music and it is a particular pleasure to introduce to the world a very talented Norwegian composer Fred Jonny Berg whose music in its own way is a genuine reflection of his world.

Berg's music is often described as melodious, accessible and dramatic, yet with a highly original quality. Berg himself tries to explain: It is really as simple as it is complicated - I breathe in what life has to offer, and breathe out what I have to offer life. I have given up trying to grasp what actually happens in the process from impression to expression. In his music Fred Jonny Berg reveals himself as a person who has experienced that life consists of light and dark, but unlike the majority of us he approaches both with a similar undaunted decisiveness; it adds an extra quality to his music: the conviction of an eyewitness.

Hybrid Super Audio-CD 5.1 SURROUND + STEREO
- Standard CD (16BIT/44.1kHz)
- 2.0 DSD (2.8224Mbit/s per channel)
- 5.1 DSD (2.8224Mbit/s per channel)
The hybrid SACD looks like a normal CD
and plays on all standard players and computers.
- 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio 24BIT/96 kHz
- 2.0 LPCM 24BIT/96 kHz
Sony's PlayStation3 is fully compatible with this disc.
Exclusive High Definition Music – video only for menu guide.

Fred Jonny Berg’s sheet music is available online for evaluation and delivery. All scores are available for free at www.symbiophonic.as

Treble & Bass (2L59SACD)

Treble & Bass - KLEIBERG concertos

Marianne Thorsen & Göran Sjölin

eBook TREBLE & BASSMarianne Thorsen is widely known for her recording of MOZART violin concertos with TrondheimSolistene. Now she demonstrates what beauty that lies in the Violin Concerto of our classical contemporary composer Ståle Kleiberg. Göran Sjölin brings the sonic qualities of the double bass into new light, and both solo concertos are supported by a widely staged Trondheim Symphony Orchestra in an exceptional surround sound recording.

Buy CD and MP3 Buy real HD audio files Media Service
MUSICONLINE FLAC 24 BIT / 96 kHz artwork

Hybrid Super Audio-CD 5.1 SURROUND + STEREO
This compact disc looks like a normal CD
and plays on all standard players and computers.

Marianne ThorsenStåle KLEIBERG: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra / Concerto for Double Bass and OrchestraStåle Kleiberg, composer
If we seek a stylistic reference point for Kleiberg's music, it is perhaps not fanciful to refer to its recovery of certain qualities that we associate with northern Europe during the first half of the twentieth century. Composers as different as Sibelius, Nielsen and Vaughan Williams all established unique dialogues with central European and French modernists, but in ways that allowed for a tone of lofty idealism, even at times of frank romanticism that was unavailable to the modernists themselves. Kleiberg seems to continue and to extend dialogues of this kind. He has never been a slave to fashion, but it is striking that the neo-romanticism that is his most natural mode of expression, has once again become a part of our general culture.


FLUTE MYSTERY stage layout:

Flute Mystery STAGE LAYOUT
Vicino alla Montagna STAGE LAYOUT
Flute Concerto STAGE LAYOUT

Blu-ray is the first domestic format in history that unites theatre movies and music sound in equally high quality. The musical advantage of Blu-ray is the high resolution for audio, and the convenience for the audience as one single player will handle music, films, their DVD-collection and their old library of traditional CD. What we are seeing is a completely new conception of the musical experience. Recorded music is no longer a matter of a fixed two-dimensional setting, but rather a three-dimensional enveloping situation. Stereo can be described as a flat canvas, while surround sound is a sculpture that you can literally move around and relate to spatially; with surround you can move about in the aural space and choose angles, vantage points and positions.

Our Pure Audio Blu-ray Discs has been designed to offer two ways of operation, either with or without a TV screen: you can either navigate the on-screen POP-UP MENU or simply use the dedicated buttons of your remote control. The NUMERIC keys directly access the corresponding track number and the desired audio stream can be selected by the COLOURED keys on your remote. 5.1 DT S HD Master Audio is preselected. These functions are developed by msm-studios and Lindberg Lyd and anticipate what we expect to find in the future profile 3 for Blu-ray players.

Treble & Bass stage layout:
Treble & Bass STAGE LAYOUT
Surround sound stage layout for the recording sessions are created by the composers, performers and balance engineer in a creative process essential to the product.

High End, München, May 21st-24th 2009: Stockfisch, msm-studios and 2L offer workshops three times a day in Atrium 3, room D 111, at 11am, 1pm and 4pm. 80 seats surrounded by 5.1 B&W Nautilus 801.

The Nordic Sound

"The Norwegian label 2L is now arguably the finest recording group currently in operation with digital audio offerings that push the limits of technology. Blu-ray delivers an excellent medium for 24-bit/192 kHz PCM multichannel audio. 2L consistently shows throughout the tracks in The Nordic Sound that multichannel delivery trumps two-channel. Nearly all of the tracks reveal amazing samples of audio engineering as well as virtuoso musicianship. And these reference recordings offer an excellent opportunity to evaluate one's system. The sampler delivers a rich variety of tracks from TrondheimSolistene: Divertimenti, Mozart-Grieg: Works for Two Pianos, Vol. II, Magnar Am: Sonar and many more, allowing listeners to figure out which of 2L's offerings would be worth exploring in greater detail. Highest recommendation. " (Greg Maltz Blu-ray.com)

The Nordic Sound - 2L audiophile reference recordings

Buy CD-box and MP3 Buy real HD audio files Media Service
MUSICONLINE FLAC 24 BIT / 192 kHz photos

For KORG MR-recorders and Sony VAIO computers: DSD audio files
2L produced by Lindberg Lyd AS | Box 56 Bogerud | NO-0621 OSLO | NORWAY | +47 4815 2222 | music@2L.no